Montana Standard: Daines: Kavanaugh is Well Qualified

This week, one of the most qualified Supreme Court nominees ever nominated to the bench, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, will testify before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.

Other than sending our sons and daughters to war, confirming a Supreme Court Justice is the most consequential vote I will take as a United States Senator. For Montana, and the rest of the nation, the impacts of this decision will last forever — because while laws come and go, judges serve for a lifetime. That’s why it’s critical we confirm the right person to serve on our nation’s highest court.

Montanans overwhelmingly want a Supreme Court Justice with impeccable academic credentials, someone who does not legislate from the bench, but upholds the rule of law and who follows the Constitution. Judge Kavanaugh is without a doubt that person.

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Judge Kavanaugh in my office. I can say with full confidence, Judge Kavanaugh should be — and is ready to be — our next Supreme Court Justice.