KULR: Sen. Daines to introduce Senate resolution condemning increasing number of Supreme Court Justices

Senator Steve Daines says he is going to introduce a Senate resolution condemning increasing the number of Supreme Court Justices on the bench, which is also known as court packing.

“Packing the Supreme Court is a power grab by the Democrats and an attack on our Montana way of life, from protecting the Second Amendment to Montana energy jobs,” Daines said. “This goes against a 150 year precedent and would make the Court an extension of the legislative branch, which is what our Founding Fathers feared when they created the separation of powers.”

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KULR: Senator Steve Daines urges FEMA assessment of Montana COVID-19 situation

U.S. Senator Steve Daines is urging FEMA to immediately assess the COVID-19 situation in Montana, and is asking for additional federal assistance to help the state get through the affects of the pandemic.

“Montana is currently experiencing a regional surge of COVID-19 cases,” Daines wrote in a letter to FEMA on Thursday, “Nationally, we have the third highest rate of new cases and the second highest rate of test positivity.”

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KULR: U.S. Senator Steve Daines discusses grizzly bear management

U.S. Senator Steve Daines met with U.S. Fish and Wildlife members and constituents Friday to discuss grizzly bear management across the state.

Daines is fighting to delist, or remove, federal grizzly bear protections in the greater Yellowstone region. He argues the grizzly bear population has fully recovered and the conservation of the species should be returned to the state.

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Bozeman Daily Chronicle: USDA announces outdoor research on brucellosis

“This is ensuring that we’re protecting our cattle here in Montana from brucellosis,” Daines said, “which is a significant threat to the safety of the food supply chain here in Montana and around the country and around the world for that matter.”

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KHQ: Daines holds meeting on Barrett confirmation

U.S. Senator Steve Daines led a meeting with Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and other local leaders Thursday, discussing the importance of confirming Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

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KPAX: Sen. Daines thanks firefighters for record-setting effort

Senator Steve Daines is thanking firefighters for their tremendous efforts during what has turned out to be a record-breaking fire season across the U.S. and he’s once more promising the Senate will act on a series of sweeping reforms to improve forest management.

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Montana Standard: EPA’s Benevento, Daines join Anaconda hotel groundbreaking

He praised Benevento and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler for their work in Butte and Anaconda.

“I told Andrew Wheeler years ago that Anaconda and Butte were tired of EPA studies and reports, and we don’t need any more studies to gather dust on bookshelves, we need results.

“And that’s what we see here today.”

Daines said the projects in Anaconda represent “the biggest economic stimulus in Anaconda in 50 years.”

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Billings Gazette: Northern Cheyenne bring law enforcement crisis to Sen. Daines

Daines, who also met with leaders of the Crow Tribe of Indians earlier Friday, started his visit at the Little Wolf Capital Building in Lame Deer with an update on how the Northern Cheyenne Tribe has recovered from a severe surge of COVID-19. The number of cases and deaths among the Northern Cheyenne during the past month prompted aid from both the Montana National Guard and personnel from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The discussion soon pivoted, however, to a dilemma that’s plagued the Northern Cheyenne since well before the arrival of COVID-19. Northern Cheyenne President Rynalea Peña and others told Daines that for years the tribe has had only a fraction of the police force that it needs, with the few officers available overwhelmed. The lack of a functional jail, which tribal members have pressured the BIA to reopen for years, has compounded the stress on officers being able to respond quickly to calls.

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Helena Independent Record: Daines and Arkansas Sen. Cotton meet creators of Montana Mask

Daines offered to help the group navigate the bureaucracy to help move the process along.

Gary Blaine, who founded Billings Flying Service with his brother Al, hosted the meeting and thanked Daines and Cotton for making the time for the group. Earlier in the year, Billings Flying Service produced medical ventilators with the help of a Rice University design and the Zauggs and Richardson.

He offered his full support for Daines and spoke about how well he’d gotten to know the senator over the years, drawing a contrast between the man and the political ads that have sought to cast him in a negative light.

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